High cholesterol isn’t just a number—it’s a ticking time bomb for your health. By choosing a low cholesterol diet, you can take powerful steps...
Health and Wellness
Foods Which Lower Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in your blood that is essential for the body to build healthy cells, make vitamins, and produce hormones....
Fighting Alcoholism: What Is Alcohol Addiction
How much alcohol a person drinks, genetic factors, gender, body mass, and general state of health all influence how a person's health responds to...
Natural Therapy to Relieve Insomnia
More and more people are searching for how to relieve insomnia. The inability to go to sleep and stay asleep is affecting more individuals every...
The Relationship Between Anxiety and Insomnia
Anxiety and insomnia are often related. Each can be causes of the other which, in turn, leads to a vicious cycle that may seem impossible to break....
Easy Ways to Relieve Insomnia
Can't sleep? There is nothing worse than not being able to fall asleep, no matter how tired you are, or having trouble to get back to sleep when you...
How to Relieve Insomnia?
How do I relieve insomnia? That is a question many of us have asked at some stage of our lives. Many attributes like caffeine, alcohol and stress...
Golden Rules of Combating Insomnia
We know we're supposed to get enough sleep, and we really try.But we also know it's often easier said than done. Luckily, there are a handful of...
How to Deal with Depression?
Depression is a serious mental condition that is largely under diagnosed in many individuals. One reason for this is that many of the symptoms of...
How Depression Can Effect the Way You Look
Improper beauty regimens can negatively affect you, both physically and emotionally. You need to do a lot of basic research so that you don't burn,...