Healthy Eating for Ideal Weight Loss

by | Jan 1, 1970

If you want to lose extra pounds easily then don’t turn to diets that require you to fast. Fasting is not the solution to your problem.

As strange as it may sound, eating is the way to lose weight. Of course, you can’t just eat any amount you want, but if you eat the correct foods regularly and become more active you will lose weight.

Here’s a list of some of the foods you should try to include in your weight loss program.

Fruit and Vegetables

  1. Fruit and vegetables are a rich source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Aim for a variety of 5 portions a day.
  2. Although fresh foods are usually better for you frozen fruit and vegetables are just as good. Canned fruit in 100% natural juice and dried fruit are also healthy alternatives.
  3. A typical portion consists of 1 whole fruit, e.g. an apple, a handful of grapes, heaped tablespoon of dried fruit, 3 heaped tablespoons of vegetables.

Meat and Fish

  1. Opt for leaner cuts of meat and trim off the fat before cooking. When using mince choose extra-lean mince and dry fry without using any oil.
  2. Chicken and turkey are healthier options than red meat.
  3. Oily fish such as sardines, pilchards and mackerel are a good choice. Try to eat oily fish at least twice a week.
  4. Fresh or frozen white fish such as haddock or cod is low in fat.
  5. A typical portion consists of 50-100g cooked lean red meat or poultry or oily fish; 100-150g cooked white fish.

Milk and Dairy Foods

  1. Try using skimmed or semi-skimmed milk in place of whole milk.
  2. Cheese can be high in fat, particularly saturated fat, so use small quantities of strongly flavoured cheese for cooking, eg reduced-fat hard or matured cheeses.
  3. Vegetarian cheese has the same fat content as ordinary cheese.
  4. Therefore for a healthier option go for cottage cheese or reduced fat mozzarella.
  5. Try low-fat or low-calorie yogurt or fromage frais instead of cream, and try to choose ones that are low in sugar too.
  6. A typical portion is 200ml glass of milk; 150g pot of low-fat yogurt; 40g hard cheese; 2 tablespoons cottage cheese.

Pulses and Beans

  1. There is a wide variety of beans and pulses which can be used in many ways in dishes, eg butter beans, chickpeas, lentils and baked beans can be added to soups, salads, casseroles and mince dishes.
  2. Beans and pulses can help to manage blood glucose levels and blood fats.
  3. Dried beans need to be soaked and cooked carefully before use, so if time is important select ones that are ready-prepared in a can.
  4. 3 tablespoons of beans or pulses counts as one typical portion.

Breakfast Cereal

  1. Breakfast cereals can be a healthy snack at any time of day, especially if you choose cereals that are high in fibre, such as bran, wholewheat, or fibre-based rather than refined or sugar-coated ones.
  2. Opt for unsweetened muesli or a variety that has no added sugar and salt. To make it a bit more appetizing try adding fresh raspberries, strawberries or sliced banana.
  3. Porridge is also very healthy and will make you feel fuller for longer. Make it with skimmed, semi-skimmed milk or water.
  4. As with muesli try adding fresh raspberries, strawberries or sliced banana.

Pasta and Rice

  1. Rice and pasta make excellent main meals and snacks. Include them in your diet to help maintain your blood glucose levels.
  2. When adding sauces choose a vegetable rather than a creamy sauce as they are lower in fat.
  3. Use wholewheat pasta or brown rice, which are more filling and also provide more fiber which helps to keep your digestive system healthy.
  4. Pasta or rice salads also make excellent snacks or main meals.

By including these foods into your daily routine and taking more exercise, you will be well on your way to shedding those extra pounds.

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